Friday, September 9, 2011


I cannot believe it is September already! It seemed just yesterday I was getting excited about the summer! Although here in Seattle we were slightly robbed of nice weather, I am actually really excited for the Fall!
I don’t think I’ve ever realized how much I love September. I started thinking about it during work the other day and here is the list I came up with:

Reasons I love September ( and Autumn in general!)

1.      The end of summer. Although I love summer so much, something beautiful occurs within the soul when summer ends. There is this sweet moment of nostalgia as you relive all of the fun times you’ve experienced, mixed in with a bit of sadness at the knowledge of parting with sun and carefree-ness, and simultaneously an excitement for the “new” year or school year. It’s a kaleidoscope of emotions that is really quite beautiful.

2.      Leaves! Both rustling in the wind as they fall off trees and the pretty colors they turn!

3.      School! Yes, I am a nerd. I always get excited for school in the fall.

4.      Crisp fresh air.

5.      Scarves and coats.

6.      New books, notebooks, journals, and pens.

7.      New planners!

8.      Hot drinks; whether tea, coffee, or cocoa. :)

9.      Bundling up in layers.

10.  Walking outside and being warm from all of your clothing, but having a cold nose from the cool air J

11.  Harvest! Although I am not and have never been a farmer, harvest has always seemed like such a joyful event (when all the hard work is finished that is) and it is greatly celebrated in countries all over the world. Also, the Slavic community always celebrates harvest in a spiritual sense; evaluating what we’ve reaped and sown throughout the year spiritually.

12.  Snuggling in a blanket with a hot drink and a good book on a rainy day. ( side note- I think that fall carries with it a mood and atmosphere for reflection and deep thought that other seasons don't.)

13.  Boots and Leg warmers!

14.  Grays, Browns, and Blacks

15.  Back to School Clothes shopping!

And speaking of clothes, I don’t think there is ever a season that I consider fashion trends as much as I do in the fall/back-to-school season. Since I no longer go to school and don’t really make that shopping trip, I decided to post some of trends that I am in love with this fall in honor of September!
Disclaimer: I in no way consider myself a fashionista or someone who is fashion-forward., but I do love fashion because I think it is very artistic. So I Just thought I’d have fun posting the trends that have caught my eye. Enjoy ;)

~Cardigan jackets~
What a great mash up of the two! Comfort and style:) And the glasses are being seen everywhere!

Have and always will be in love with them. Glad to see them back this year.

Flares are back! It is almost a little strange to see them since we’ve gotten so used to skinny jeans for some time now, but that is exactly why flares have made a comeback; skinnys have lost their ability to turn heads and catch eyes. Everyone is wearing them! I personally am crazy about this straight leg/ boyfriend fit. I love the look.

~Off the shoulder tops~
These are to die for! I love how simple and comfy they are, yet look so classy. I can not get enough them right now.

This image is an old one of Anne Hathaway from Devil Wears Prada. I remember this outfit very distinctly because I fell in love with it then. I think it is very fitting to this season! I love the white collared shirt under the off the shoulder sweater (not to mention the fabulous Chanel necklace). I’ve been seeing this look a lot.

I have always always loved stripes. They have a nautical appeal that is so endearing and stylish. What caught my eye about this image is how they matched the stripes with the flower print scarf! I think it is so interesting! I would never have thought that can work, and yet it does. I haven’t quite decided how I feel about this, so let know what you think J

~Skinny Bright -Colored Belts~
So small and almost delicate, yet add so much flavor to an outfit. I love the cropped trousers as well!

That's all for now.
Hope you guys enjoyed this! Let me know what some of your favorite trends are this fall!

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