Friday, July 22, 2011

My Little Corner

I have not done what I have purposed to do at all! (Is anyone surprised by this? I highly doubt it.) Per usual, I have made myself quite busy these last two weeks. I am not complaining. The time spent has been fruitful and also fun. Nevertheless, the busyness has kept me from spending time alone.

Today I wanted to share about a special place; a place very near and dear to my heart. This place happens to be my most favorite in all of the greater Seattle area and that says A LOT considering how many amazing places Seattle has to offer. That sweet place is Redondo :) Now I know what you're thinking: groups of Russians with bags of sunflower seeds, right? Even though that is the stereotype (and a correct one!), that great asset (sarcasm noted) is not what draws me in and makes this place so appealing. It is not even all of the beautiful memories of walks with girlfriends, pouring out our hearts to each other (although those memories are very sweet and will be forever cherished) that entices me. The reason is much more simple, yet innumberably more profound: this is the place where I meet the Lord. This is the location of my dates with Jesus.

These dates can happen only when it's not too cold and not too wet out. If it's too cold, I'll just shiver the entire time and not enjoy it, and if it's raining, my things will get wet.

Here is what it looks like:

I pull up to Redondo, park my car, and walk out with my Bible/ Journal/ Pen in one hand and my iPod in the other hand. While approaching the boardwalk, I put my headphones in my ears and turn on my Worship playlist (which my awesome brother Dima made! Shout out!). Once my feet hit the wood, my heart begins to fill with anticipation. I know what is awaiting me. As I walk down this familiar path my heart will be preparing itself for what's about to happen. My soul starts awakening. It has a way of knowing, a familiarity that is beyond my mind, that stirs it's very being. I will walk all the way to the end of the boardwalk, crawl over the fence/boulder (I don't know what it's called!), walk onto the beach, find whichever stranded log that is most inviting on that day, settle in, open my heart and my Bible, and wait. It all seems so simple, but what occurs is beautiful beyond comprehension. The Lord meets me there! The Creator of the Universe, God Almighty, comes and communes with me, mere dust! He quiets my heart and whispers into it. Isn't that incredible? It blows my mind just thinking about it.

I spend my time pouring into the Word, reflecting in my journal, gazing at the waters crashing on the shore reminding me of God's Power and Majesty, and my soul is filled! Psalm 107:9 says "For he satisfies the longing soul, and the hungry soul he fills with good things." Oh how true those words are! If I continue to learn anything in this life, it is that no thing, no person, satisfies me like the Lord does. He alone fills every void in my soul! Whether I come to him in unabashed joy or in utter brokenness, He is faithful to meet me and comfort me in whichever way I need. And how sweet it is to know that I am fully known by this Glorious God and fully accepted and fully loved. My heart rejoices in that truth!

I love my Jesus dates because although I have just summarized what they look like, I am never aware of what the Lord will show me there. I have had days when I am in awe of Him and lift my hands in praise and worship. I have had days when I have simply cried to Him and He has held me in the deep way only He can. I have had days when I've struggled with difficult texts and practically wrestled with God to enlighten my mind and eyes to His truths. And I have had days when I have simply come and been filled with complete peace.

Today was one of those days. I cleared up my schedule after work because I knew that Redondo was calling my name. I needed so much to meet with the Lord. My soul was hungry for special time with Him. And I came and He gifted me with a sense of rest and peace in Him, as well as the simple yet complete joy of knowing Him.

I love these times so much. Sometimes I wish I could go there everyday, but I know, being the imperfect human that I am, that were I to frequent my little corner on a daily basis, the times would lose their weightiness. So I am thankful. Thankful that God continues to gift me with such wonderful moments.

I love Redondo. I love what happens there. But really, it comes down to this:

I love Jesus.



  1. Thank you Olga. It is so beautiful that our gracious God, who created the entire universe would meet each one of us individually to give us hope, conviction, wisdom and joy as we turn our faces to Him. Love you, girl. Miss seeing you.

  2. I love that you have Jesus dates! Isnt it so beautiful that he would choose to meet with US? I tried redondo today but I wasnt as prepared as I should have been. Next time I will be :)
