Friday, July 8, 2011

Hello World!

...So I finally did it..

I absoultely love reading blogs. Maybe i'm just nosey, maybe i have too much time on my hands, but I love reading about other people's lives or learning new things from people's blogs! I had been wanting to start one myself for the longest time but kept dissuading myself with arguments like "I don't have the time; I have nothing to write that no one else hasn't written before; Aren't there better things to do with my time?, etc etc" ...

However, today is a new day and today I am not allowing all of these arguments (which still exist) to deter me!

Those who know me know that I can't help but stay busy with involvement in a bazillion things. Well this summer I decided that I needed a break. I figured the healthiest thing for me to do would be to take time to become an introvert again, use my time away from work to be still, relax, re-examine my life (inspired by Socrates), and as the wise Solomon said in Ecclesiastes, rejoice in my youth and let my heart cheer me in the days of my youth AND to remember my Creator!

All that being said, I am starting this blog to document this time and even to keep myself accountable in actually doing what I plan to do and not just finding things to busy myself with again.

If you feel inclined to follow me through this journey, I'd love to hear your input:)

Grace and Peace!



  1. Tight.... I too have been wanting to start one for a while. Hmm maybe I should or maybe I shouldn't. But you go girl.... (I cant believe I just said that) LOL.

  2. You go girl! So excited to read about your life and how God will be using you!
